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New Hampshire’s Developmental Services system uses an assessment tool for young adults and adults who have intellectual disabilities and acquired brain disorders. This tool is called the Supports Intensity Scale Adult Version (SIS-A™). The SIS evaluates and measures the practical supports that people with intellectual disabilities need to lead productive, independent lives and to successfully engage in everyday activities. A SIS-A™ Interview is completed every five years for all individuals, ages 16+.
As of June 30, 2023 Community Support Network, Inc will no longer conduct the Support Intensity Scale interviews for the State of New Hampshire. NH DHHS is now contracting with Public Consulting Group to conduct SIS-A™ assessments.
The Department of Health and Human Services website has information on the Supports Intensity Scale Adult Version (SIS-A™) and a video about the interview. For more information please go to: https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/programs-services/disability-care/developmental-services/bds-systems-work/about-supports-intensity
Additional general information on the SIS-A™ can be obtained by going to the web site: https://www.aaidd.org/sis/sis-a.