Click the button below to go to the CSNI Youtube page for recordings of past webinars, including:
- STABLE NH (October 2018)
- Estate Planning 101 with Butenhof and Bomster, PC (October 2018)
- Guardianship (October 2018)
- Neuropsychological Evaluations (December 2018)
- Special Needs Trusts (December 2018)
- Applied Behavior Analysis (January 2019)
- When the Bus Stops Coming: Transition Planning (February 2019)
- Brain Injury: A Closer Look (March 2019)
- STABLE NH & Special Needs Trusts (May 2019)
- Dual Diagnosis: Intellectual Disability and Mental Illness with Dr. Jennifer McLaren (July 2019)
- Overview of Special Education/Basic Rights (February 2020)
- Voting Rights for People with Disabilities (February 2020)
- The Four Fatigues of Covid-19 (March 2021)
- Implementing HCBS Requirements for Home and Community Based Settings (June 2021)
- Introduction to Certification with Peter Bacon and Jay Kurinskas (April 2022)
- Relias Administrator 101 (August 2022)
- NH Legislative Process 101 (December 2022)
- NH Participant Directed Service Changes: What Do I Need to Know? (June 2023)