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CSNI has a long history of participating in quality improvement activities. In 1996, in partnership with the Bureau of Developmental Services and the Institute on Disability at UNH, CSNI developed the Quality Outcomes Partnership which established a comprehensive set of quality indicators for the entire system. More recently, CSNI was represented on the Quality Committee established under SB 138 which resulted in the establishment of the NH Quality Council. In addition, CSNI was instrumental in the decision to join the National Core Indicators project.
Quality improvement activities are coordinated by one of CSNI’s standing committees, the QI committee. This group is made up of the quality assurance directors of each area agency. This group meets quarterly and reviews quality data generated for the entire area agency system. They review trends and make recommendations for system-wide improvement.
Uniformity of Practice is an ad hoc collaborative group of Area Agency, Provider Agency and BDS staff who come together to establish shared processes and procedures that are agreed upon by multiple agencies. The participants in this group change depending on the project at hand, but include both Area Agency and Provider Agency staff, at a minimum. Examples of Uniformity of Practice projects over the years include the statewide Incident Report form, the Universal Status and Information Change Form, the HRC Authorization form and Behavior Plan Requirements, the statewide Medication Occurrence Form, and many others. These forms can be found under the "Resources" Tab or by clicking the button below.
The Statewide Risk Management Committee is comprised of skilled clinicians and other professionals from each of the 10 area agencies, along with administrators from the Bureau of Developmental Services and representatives from CSNI. This meeting is facilitated monthly by CSNI. The purpose of this committee is to endorse and/or provide feedback to agencies who present a Risk Management Plan for review. Risk Management Plans are written utilizing assessments from independent assessors, and addresses what the agency’s expectations are of service providers for providing safe, clinically appropriate supports.
The Community of Practice is a monthly statewide group, facilitated by CSNI. Participation on the CoP includes representatives from each of the 10 Area Agencies, representatives from each of the agencies who operate Intensive Treatment Services (ITS) programs, administrators from the Bureau of Developmental Services and representatives from CSNI. The purpose of the CoP is to oversee the movement in and out of Intensive Treatment Programs. ITS program capacity is a scarce resource, and the committee’s goal is to ensure that individuals are progressing through treatment and residing in the least restrictive setting for their needs. The CoP is also available for consultation when agencies are struggling to identify placements for individuals who have challenging needs.